Learn how to find your target audience and match your business goals with their needs: Get the Target Audience Persona Template

Brand colours that can boost your sales

Logos of core brands that use the colour blue

The average business owner knows the importance of having the right logo and website for their business, but let me ask you today, how much thought have you given to the colours you use for your business? Did you just decide to select colours because they look fancy or gravitate towards a generic and safe […]

Do this one thing and your sales will skyrocket 10x

How to skyrocket your business sales

From time immemorial, sales have been the backbone of every successful business or company. It’s a known fact that; the more you sell, the more your chances of staying in business. But, you can’t expect the sales approach that worked in the 80s, 90s, and even in early 2000, would still be effective till date. […]

How to respond when clients say “I’ll get back to you”

Imagine this scenario. You’ve worked long and hard, convincing a prospect to deal with you. After 12 long weeks of conversations, emails, phone calls and even skype video calls, your lead finally drops the bombshell: “I’ll get back to you”. Obviously, that isn’t in any way an easy response to accept. Especially, not after you’ve […]